Step Book

step_titleHello everybody,

I am sorry I did not post anything last week but I moved house and then went on a short holiday straight after. I am back now and ready to write another post.

Today I will be showing you how you can make a step book with the children you teach.
A step book can be a fun way to get the children to write and draw a short story to share with their classmates.
As the teacher/parent you can decide whether the exercise should have a theme or whether you allow the children to make and write anything they like.

What do you need:

  • 3 pieces of paper (all the same size) – the best paper to use is either A3 or A4.
  • Hole punch and yarn or a stapler.
  • Colouring pencils and pens.


I found this lovely website on which they explain very clearly what you ought to do. I will share the website and the pdf instruction file with you. They have also published a YouTube video on which you can see how to make the Step Book.
I just want to stress that this is not my website, it is someone else’s work which is worth checking out.

website :
PDF file: stepbook
YouTube video:


  • To make the book more colourful you can use different coloured paper.
  • Because the holiday is (almost) over you can ask the children to make a Step Book about their holiday adventures.
  • The children can decorate the pages with pictures cut out of magazines, news papers, old books etc.
  • You can also combine this exercise with one of my earlier exercises and have the children write down a top 5 of books at the beginning of the year. Every page of the step books (with three pages you will have 5 + a title page on which they can write their name) will represent one book and the pages can be numbered, decorated and written on. You can keep these in the classroom to give children reading ideas. It might also be fun to have them look back on their top five at the end of the school year and see if their top five has changed.

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