Fairy Mail

This week’s post has a fairy theme. I thought it would be fun to make a door into a different world, one that can make your children or the children you teach wonder about what could be behind the little door.

As well as making the little door you can craft a mini letter and envelope with a message for whatever the child imagines can be found behind the door.

What do you need for the door?

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Card board paper
  • Paint in any desired colour
  • Glue that glues wood, beads and other decorations
  • Beads, fake flowers, things found in nature, etc. to decorate the little door

Steps to make the door:

Instead of taking you through every step I will show you a picture I found on the internet and give some tips or suggestions. (http://pennywiseblog.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/a-scandinavian-christmas.html)

* It might be a nice idea to use a nice bead for the door knob.pennywiseelfdoor
* A welcome sign could be nice or maybe some moss on the top or bottom of the door.
* The child does not have to paint the door in one colour, they can also decide to make a rainbow door for example.
* When the door is ready you can place it anywhere in the house, the garden or the school and the children can start imagining what could be behind it. Maybe they can even write a little story about the door and the world hidden behind it.

What do you need for the letter and envelope?

  • Paper (I used small post it notes)
  • Pencil (with sharp point) or fine pen.
  • Coloured pencils or other coloured paper to decorate with stamp on the front and seal on the back.
  • Some glue/ pritt stick

Steps to make the envelope:

I drew my envelope first so I would know the right sizes and where to fold. I used a pink post it note because that was what was available but you can use any kind of paper as long as it is easy to fold.

On the picture you can see the measurements I used. This is just an example, it does not have to be exactly the same.

My envelope is 8 cm is length and 5 cm in width. I will exaplain what the numbers mean next.

  1. These are the two folding strips. Mine are 3 cm long and 1 cm wide. I drew them 6 cm from the bottom (nr. two). They are numbered as one because they are the first part you need to fold in when you cut it out. You simply fold them inwards on the line.
  2. This is the second part you are going to fold. It will fit nicely on top of the two numbers ones. You put glue on the other side of the ones to secure this part on top. You can already see it is an envelope after you have done this. My number two is 3cm by 3cm.SAM_2987
  3. You fold number three once you have put the letter inside. You can then either glue it shut onto number two or you can make a little seal to glue on top. I cut the corners of my number three to make it look more like a real envelope.

After I cut out and folded my envelope I used a bit of left over paper to write a tiny note. Let the children be creative and allow them to write to whoever they think could be behind the door.

Enjoy this magical craft and writing session!    SAM_2988

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